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As another year draws to a close, it’s a natural time to reflect on the journey that has brought us to this moment with gratitude and, perhaps most importantly, introspection.

While that sounds like a Hallmark movie in the making, introspection can be a pain in the you know what.

I know this because as I sat down to write this, what became abundantly clear was that while I’m grateful for so many wonderful things in my life, I’m not sad to see 2023 end. Truth be told, I’m dizzy from it all.

My analogy of 2023 is this: it’s like a bad 1970s rock album skipping with no one there to stop it.

If you’re not sure what I mean or not old enough to know what a skipping record sounds like, here is a quick recap: COVID is still here (it never left), we’re approaching year two of the Ukraine-Russia war, Hamas attacked Israel in October, inciting another war in the region and, of course, inflation, never ending layoffs and rampant crime.

So, instead of writing a doom-and-gloom reflection, I’m flipping this into a letter to my younger self to guide me on how to be more resilient and less affected by the chaos in 2024.


I know 2023 was a test of your resilience (you weren’t alone in this), but there are a few things that I want to remind you of as you get ready to kick-start the new year.

Let’s begin with gratitude. There is so much in our lives that is good and to be grateful for. And it’s not about just saying “thank you” but appreciating the impact of big and small moments.

When you focus on the good, the good is in focus. While that sounds like something you’d read in a fortune cookie, it’s just good advice to write on a sticky note and put somewhere you’ll see it every day.

I also want to encourage my younger self to give back and cultivate a spirit of kindness.

Giving back to the community fosters kindness, builds relationships and brings out the good in others. Plus, it feels good to do something nice (especially) when it’s not expected. Say yes when a younger colleague reaches out for help, knowledge or mentorship—you’ll both benefit greatly from the experience.

Consider sharing a kind word with someone having a hard day or sharing a LinkedIn profile when you know someone is looking for a new job opportunity.

It can be that simple and remember that even the smallest acts of kindness spread fast because we need them—now more than ever.

And in the spirit of being kind, remember to be kind and patient with yourself, acknowledging that growth takes time and perfection isn’t real. Treat yourself with the same compassion you extend to others.

Maybe that goes on a sticky, too?

In the spirit of kindness, be more open to new experiences, and more tolerant of different points of view. Listening to understand and learn will help you build that tolerance. By doing so, you’ll become more self-aware and open to different ways of doing things. And as a result, you’ll be more present in the moment, opening you to opportunities that you may not have otherwise seen.

My final advice for my younger self is simple but life-changing.

In a world where chaos is inevitable and not always in your power to control, your ability to be resilient is necessary.

Life is a series of ups and downs; resiliency will transform challenges into opportunities. Resilience will enable you to embrace setbacks as stepping stones and chaos as noise that you can tune out while celebrating each win like it is gold medal-worthy.

These timeless lessons are the gifts that keep giving, shaping a brighter, more purposeful future.

What lessons would you share with your younger self as we head into 2024? Share in the comments!

Be authentic. Be real. Be kind. (And be resilient!)
