by David | Thought Leadership |
When customer advocacy is prioritized and proactively managed from end to end, it has a sweeping impact both inside and outside an organization: Sales—Identification and sharing of best practices, competitive insights, market dynamics, and customer catalysts...
by David | Thought Leadership |
In every relationship, there comes a time when it really hits home just how much effort is required to make it last. Sometimes, it just isn’t worth it. Our collective honeymoon with social media is now a distant memory. Regardless of what platforms you’ve used as a...
by David | Content Marketing, Unfiltered Thoughts |
On any given day, we rely on technology and our devices too heavily—I have never shied away from sharing my feelings on this topic. But today, my opinion is different. Today, I encourage you to use every platform available to you to speak up against violence against...
by David | Content Marketing, Unfiltered Thoughts |
I have a theory that you’ll either support or question. And while I’m hoping more people will nod their heads in agreement on this, I think you’ll find my argument compelling. Plus, I’m curious to know people’s thoughts. Have I raised your curiosity? Good. Here goes…...
by David | Unfiltered Thoughts |
I go to the gym regularly and have done so for years. When I’m there, I’m focused on my workout, but I’m a friendly guy, so if someone says hi or strikes up a conversation, I engage. And when I see someone I haven’t seen before, I’ll smile or nod, saying, ‘Hey.’ It’s...